Facility Use Information

Booking space at the theater

If your organization is interested in using the Theater you should contact the Theater’s Administrative Office for an initial meeting, tour and rental estimate. 

For more information call (860) 757-6388

Scheduling and fees

Scheduling priority is given to the Academy and the Learning Corridor schools.  The theater management seeks to enhance the mission of the Academy and The Learning Corridor with programs that present opportunities for educational collaboration. Master classes by presenting artists and events that provide involvement for Academy students will receive scheduling. Not all requested dates are available.

Fees are determined on a graduated scale, based on the affiliation and tax status of the sponsoring organization. CREC affiliates, the City of Hartford, and the  State of Connecticut receive priority consideration on facility rentals rates.

Labor rates

Events may require additional staffing at an additional cost. Additional staffing for ticket sales, technical support, and other requirements is determined by Theater Management in cooperation with the presenter and is based on project size and scope. 

For more information, please contact us at (860) 757-6388